In the realm of Indian cinema, the allure of mythology and history has always captivated producers and audiences alike. However, even the most technically advanced cinematic endeavors falter if they deviate even slightly from historical accuracy. Recognizing this, filmmakers often seek the expertise of scholars to ensure authenticity in...
In an illustrious event that marked a milestone in the annals of business innovation, Mr. Subharun Pal was honored with the prestigious 29th JAI Global Lifetime Achievement Award. This gala, held on October 18, 2023, witnessed Mr. Pal join the ranks of eminent personalities who have been instrumental in...
Pritesh Anadkat, a self-made entrepreneur with humble beginnings, embarked on a journey to establish Aks Talkies Production House in 2018. Initially focusing on advertisements and music videos, the production house swiftly diversified its portfolio, venturing into movie production with a groundbreaking film in 2020. Today, Aks Talkies is on...
In a grand ceremony held on February 10th in New Delhi, the prestigious MBR, recognized by the Government of India, bestowed an Honorary Doctorate (honoris causa) upon the distinguished author, Dr. Kuldeep Sharma. This esteemed recognition is a testament to Dr. Sharma's profound impact on the realms of Writing,...
Rakesh Rana, a professional performance coach, emerges as a guiding light for individuals seeking to adapt and thrive amidst uncertainty. With a coaching philosophy centred on holistic self-discovery, he empowers professionals to realign their careers with their authentic selves.
"Aligning professional success with personal fulfilment is paramount," affirms Rakesh Rana....
In the online business world, Mr Nikhil Raibole knows about working professionals seeking a shift from the conventional 10-to-6 routine to online entrepreneurship. An award-winning entrepreneur with a decade of corporate experience, an IIM Indore graduate, and the brain behind a flourishing online business for the past eight years,...
In the dynamic intersection of business expertise and unwavering social commitment, Mr. Illyas emerges as an inspirational figure with a profound vision. Originating from Kerala and making significant strides in Karnataka, his narrative unfolds as a captivating tale of resilience, entrepreneurial acumen, and an unwavering dedication to human rights...
They say 'successful business leaders are made, not born'. The Indian Alert, in association with Digisharks Communications, is proud to present the list of the TOP 10 MOST DYNAMIC ENTREPRENEURS OF THE YEAR 2023 from various industry sectors who have changed the business world with their innovative ideas and...
The Meaningful Business 100 is the leading award programme that celebrates and supports outstanding individuals combining profit and purpose to help to achieve the UN Global Goals
New Delhi: Fifteen of India’s most progressive business leaders have been included in the 2023 Meaningful Business 100 (MB100), which recognises the outstanding...
Hello, dear readers! I'm Dr. Prachetan Potadar, a writer and advertising creative director, and I'm thrilled to take you on a captivating journey through the world of cinematic storytelling in advertising, featuring both heartwarming and humorous ads from India. Strap in, because we're about to explore how brands are...