In the bustling landscape of modern leadership, few names resonate with as much significance and impact as Ragidi Laxma Reddy. From humble beginnings to becoming a beacon of change across multiple sectors, Reddy's journey is one of perseverance, innovation, and unwavering commitment to the greater good. From Modest Roots to...
In a testament to his unwavering commitment to societal welfare, Janasena Party Chief and renowned actor Pawan Kalyan has once again demonstrated his benevolence by contributing a substantial amount of 30 lakhs towards the construction of the Ayodhya Ram Mandir. This noteworthy donation is a manifestation of his deep-rooted...
In the dynamic intersection of business expertise and unwavering social commitment, Mr. Illyas emerges as an inspirational figure with a profound vision. Originating from Kerala and making significant strides in Karnataka, his narrative unfolds as a captivating tale of resilience, entrepreneurial acumen, and an unwavering dedication to human rights...
Chennai (Tamil Nadu) : The Krishnamurti Foundation India has released a free-to-download digital booklet—The Future of Humanity in the Age of AI—on J. Krishnamurti’s vision of how AI will impact humanity. What is remarkable is that Krishnamurti talked about this more than 60 years ago. He spoke about the...
For over four decades, Shashwat Joshi has been leading the charge in providing quality education and social service to communities in Uttar Pradesh. As the Chief Trustee and Director of the City Montessori Group of Schools Trust, he has spearheaded numerous initiatives that have positively impacted the lives of...
“Young people need to own their decisions regarding learning- what that will learn, how and when they will learn. When the learning is a choice made by them, they will unlearn and relearn quickly. Our alum of 150000+ youth from underserved communities is a living lab demonstrating how 21st...
Adore Models, one of Mumbai’s largest talent managing agencies collaborates with Vikram Bawa, an award-winning fashion, advertising and landscape photographer to capture raw beauty and fierceness. Adore Models reached out to real people who once wanted to become actors, become people who wanted the spotlight but missed their chance because...
More than one million people have left Ukraine for neighbouring countries after escaping conflict and violence. UN estimates that up to five million people may be forced to leave Ukraine due to the Russian invasion, it is set to become Europe’s largest refugee crisis this century. Most refugees are...
Awaken Your Inner Balance is the book Get Balance that will help you find, manifest, and live a life that is full of personal empowerment, self-discovery, and life-changing events. It's the best self-help book for both men and women. Humanitarian, philanthropist, global peace leader, human rights advocate, and outstanding author...
Surat, (Gujarat) : India is facing a severe problem with regard to childhood diseases. According to the National Family Health Surve-5 (2019-2021), childhood malnutrition remains a major cause of child mortality in the country. More than 35% of preschool children in India are malnourished, which makes it imperative to...